Sometimes I just have a little something I want to share here on the blog, but I wonder, “Is this really ‘post-worthy’??” It’s just something I read in my Bible that was a blessing to me. Or a simple thought that speaks to me – from a sermon I just heard, or something someone said – and I just have to share it with someone!
So I’ve decided to go ahead and post them, and I’ve decided to call these posts “Short and Sweet” – seeing as these kind of posts will most likely be short and with a blog name like Shabby Sugar Wump, it’s just gotta to be sweet, right?! 😉
Today I wanted to share with you something I read in the devotional book Springs in the Valley (book 2 of Streams in the Dessert, that we talked about here).
Springs in the Valley, March 3 ~
Pass through, pass through, nor sit among
the hosts encamped around.
The glorious Victor paved the way,
Put all His armour on you may.
With shield of faith held well in view,
Thy song ere long — “He brought me through!”
After a step of faith most persons are looking for sunny skies and unruffled seas, and when they meet a storm or tempest they are filled with astonishment and perplexity. But this is just what we must expect if we have received anything of the Lord. The best token of His Presence is the adversary’s defiance, and the more real our blessing the more certainly it will be challenged. It is a good thing to go out looking for the worst, then if it comes we are not surprised; while if our path be smooth and the way unopposed it is all the more delightful because it comes as a glad surprise.
But let us quite understand what we mean by temptation. You, especially, who have stepped out with the assurance that you have died to self and sin, may be greatly amazed to find yourself assailed with a tempest of thoughts and feelings that seem to come wholly from within, and you will be impelled to say, “Why, I thought I was dead, but I seem to be alive!” This, beloved, is the time to remember that in temptation the instigation is not your sin but only the voice of the evil one. ~Dr. A.B. Simpson.
Why does the battle thicken so —
The darts rain fast on my breast,
while missiles hurled with cruel force
Ring loud agains my burnished crest!
Above the din I seem to hear
My Captain’s voice in accents clear,
“Because your shield is down!”
Why does the enemy advance
And hem us ’round on every hand
While we, the army of the Lord,
Can scarce his arrogance withstand?
Above the shouts I seem to hear
My Captain’s voice in accents clear,
“Because your shields are down!”
Ah! Now it’s brighter — now I see
The enemy is taking flight,
And lo, the banner of the Cross
Streams red against the morning light;
But as they flee I seem to hear
My Captain call in accents clear,
“Let not your shields go down!”
~Thomas Kimber
I needed to read this again this morning. Hope it was a blessing and encouragement to you all, too!
Keep your shields up!
P.S. I have heard back from a friend who signed up for email notifications (to let you know when a new post has been posted) and they said they haven’t been getting the emails. They signed up at the “comment” area at the bottom of each post. I also have a sign-up for email notifications on the right sidebar, and I haven’t heard of anyone not getting those. SO, if you “signed up” where you leave comments, please take the time to re-sign up at the right sidebar sign-up area. Thank you!!
(I know, I know! I still don’t have all the right “techy” lingo down…my profuse apologies! 😉 )
Joan says
It may be short but it certainly is sweet.It is a good reminder to me. The enemy is a marksman who shoots his fiery darts quickly & surely as he sees my shield lowered!
Thankyou for sharing that! Keep ’em coming!
I am glad your friend told you about email notification thingy! It sure helped me
Mitzi says
Glad you enjoyed it! And glad you got help with the email notification thingy! 😉